Berber Carpet Repair
Do you have a run in your Berber carpet?
The main reason people call us for Berber carpet repair is because there is a run in the carpet. It could have been the dog pulling on a string or a vacuum snagging it or it’s unfurling along the seam because it wasn’t sealed properly during the original installation.
All of these Berber runs can be fixed as long as we can get the extra donor carpet needed to fix it. Call us now for more information.
Berber carpet repair is our specialty. Patching Berber carpet, fixing a run in a Berber carpet or stretching a loose Berber carpet takes a lot of experience and skill to get it just right. We know exactly how to repair a Berber carpet and we’ll do it right the first time.
Berber carpet repair is a lot more complicated because of the way a Berber carpet unfurls.
One thing you need to know about Berber carpet repairs is that they are often somewhat visible. Berber (or any looped carpet) runs in rows. The new seams that run the same direction as the rows often look really great, however, the seams that run perpendicular to the row can be quite noticeable. The Berber carpet seam that runs against the grain may even look a bit like a scar.
We minimize the visibility of a Berber carpet patch by using a perfectly matched piece of donor carpet. Of course you will need to provide the donor carpet. If you don’t have any left over scraps (carpet remnants) left over from the original installation, we can steal some from a closet. This new carpet may be considerably lighter than the existing carpet. If that’s the case, you will surely notice the difference in color.
Before you hire just anyone to try (in vain) to fix your Berber carpet, ask them how much experience they have with this specialty within a specialty. We specialize in Berber carpet repair.
If your Berber carpet ever comes apart where we fixed it, we will not only be surprised, but we will also come back and fix it again at absolutely no cost to you.

Can you believe a very small dog did this to a beautiful Berber carpet ?
Many people would think that this Berber carpet repair isn’t worth it because the carpet is ruined.
The customer had no extra Berber carpet from the original carpet installation but she was willing to have us take some carpet out of the closet.
She didn’t mind because this Berber patch saved her over a thousand dollars!
What would you rather have, a little Berber carpet missing out of your closet or a thousand dollars?

This is the way the Berber carpet patch looked just about an hour after I met the customer.
Alan actually did most of it while I recorded him with the video camera. You can see the Berber Carpet Repair video on this page.