Before you call to have a carpet patched click here
Have you recently done some remodeling? If so, you may need some carpet patching. Below are a few of the projects we’ve worked on. Remember to click on the link above before calling us to patch your carpet. I look forward to hearing from you, Steve

This carpet repair job took us two trips. The customer in Newbury Park, CA called us to roll the carpet back so that she could have two new built-in pieces of furniture installed.

The installers of the furniture cut the carpet and left this gap. We need to add tack strip, fix the carpet padding, patch the gap and then reinstall the carpet.

This is the other cabinet. You can see where we need to patch it. The challenge with this job is that the carpet has a very tight pattern so the patch needs to be exact or it will draw the eye to it.

The lighting is odd in this and the next picture but you can see that the furniture is all tucked in.

Nobody would ever know that we had to patch this carpet in two places.
The lighting is odd here, the carpet is actually in great shape with no stains.

Here’s the other one.

New built-in cabinets were installed so we were called in to tack the carpet down after cutting it into place.
First we added tack-strip, then we trimmed the carpet pad, then we cut the carpet to fit.

The last thing we do before cleaning up is to stretch carpet and tuck carpet into place.

I didn’t bother to post the before pics because they were just too gross. What you see here is how we can make a long piece of carpet by patching several smaller pieces together. A carpet patch isn’t just for small problems.

We ended up with five carpet patches to make one piece long enough to fit the hallway.

Carpet patching is a specialty of ours. We can patch carpet together to make just about any size needed if you have enough scraps left over from the original installation.

When a genuine and experienced professional does the carpet seams they look good! You would never guess that this hallway was put together using all those carpet patches.