Carpet Seam Repair

Do you have a carpet seam that needs fixing?

Is your carpet coming apart at the seams? Is so, our carpet seam repair experts can solve the problem. When a carpet seam is done properly, it will stay in place for the lifetime of the carpet. However, seams can split when they’re sealed improperly, when they’re pulled apart by force, or if the carpet has exceeded its lifespan.

Do you have ripples, bulges, loose areas, waves, wrinkles, or big bunched up areas in your carpet?
If you do, I can fix it!

We can repair your damaged carpet right the first time and back it up with our 100% unconditional unlimited lifetime labor guarantee.

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Carpet Stretching Tutorial


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Carpet Stretching Tutorial

The reason we are working on this seam in Thousand Oaks, CA is because the hallway has a ripple in the carpet.

We’ll be taking apart the seam, cutting some carpet from the middle of it, and stretching it back together. As we stretch the carpet towards the new seam, the ripple in the hallway will be pulled tight

This is how we will take the seam apart. We use a steam iron on top of a wet rag to steam the seam into submission. 🙂

After the seam has been taken apart, we cut the carpet straight using a straight edge tool and a utility knife.

We then cut off about an inch of carpet. You can see the big gap. The carpet seam will only look good if we stretch the carpet first. Two pictures down you can see the specialist carpet stretch tool that we use to repair carpet seams.

There’s a couple of tricks that allow us to make this carpet look good as new.

Here’s the Crab Stretcher in it’s natural habitat. It’s pulling the carpet from both sides of the carpet seam.

The carpet in the hallway has been pulled tight and the seam in the carpet is completely invisible.

Alan takes pride in repairing carpet seams and in your home.

The wrinkled loose carpet is tight and the seam is as good as new at this home in Thousand Oaks, CA .

Ripped carpet seam. This ripped carpet seam is coming apart because the carpet seam tape wasn’t heated up enough when the carpet was seamed the first time. First we removed the carpet seam tape, then we replaced it with new carpet seam tape.

A torn carpet or a bad carpet seam spells disaster for your carpet. Take care of the carpet seams and your carpet will last far longer. It’s not easy to repair a carpet seam for the beginner but for us it’s no trouble at all. That’s probably true for most carpet repairs.

This carpet seam repair was for a customer in Westlake Village. I don’t know if I should have posted it here or under pet damage. The dog made a pretty good mess of this carpet seam. I love dogs. No person could have taken so much pride in chewing up a carpet seam so completely

First we removed the pet damaged carpet, then we replaced the damaged carpet pad and then finally we used some clean carpet from a closet to patch the damaged carpet

At Creative Carpet Repair, our carpet seam repair experts can repair your seam and return it to its invisible state. Our 100% Unlimited Unconditional Lifetime Labor Guarantee means you never have to worry about the quality of our repair, or your investment in your carpet. For more than a decade, we’ve been servicing residential and commercial clients all over the country, offering quality workmanship and unrivaled customer care at an affordable price.

Repairing damaged carpet seams will save you thousands of dollars when compared with replacement. Contact our office to arrange a home visit from one of our carpet repair experts. Every contractor we work with across the country was hand-selected by Creative Carpet Repair’s Owner, Steve Gordon, an expert in carpet repair who revolutionized the way our industry operates.

The carpet guy Steve sends out to your home may not win any beauty contests, but he will be carpet seam repair specialist with more than 10 years of experience. He will also be fully bonded, licensed, and insured. These are the carpet guys that get the job done right the first time, and who you can fully trust to invite into your home, because we demand that they follow Steve’s strict Code of Ethics.

Check out our comprehensive list of reviews for yourself, and you will quickly ascertain that we are the premier carpet repair company in the United States. Would you rather find some carpet repair guy on the internet, or work with a vetted carpet repair professional who is required to abide by our demanding standards?

Carpet seam repair from the experts at Creative Carpet Repair

  • Every carpet seam job we do is backed up with our 100% Unconditional Unlimited Lifetime Labor Guarantee
  • We only work with carpet repair professionals who are licensed, vetted, bonded, insured, and have at least 10 years of experience
  • We provide you with a free estimate, and will never try to pressure you into doing the job – we are in this together
  • The hard-working carpet repair guys we work with won’t be wearing any business suits, but they will get the job done right and you will love them for it

What’s a carpet seam?

Carpet normally comes in twelve foot widths on a very long roll. If you need more than twelve feet across or if your carpet needs to join to a hallway or another room then it will be seamed together. The carpet seam should be either invisible or nearly invisible depending on the type of carpet.

A properly executed seam consists of two straight edges of carpet, some seam tape under it and some seam sealer.

The carpet mills design carpet to be seamed together. If done properly, a carpet seam will stay put for the life of the carpet. (as if carpet were ever alive but you know what I mean)

Is your carpet coming apart at the seams?

If part of your carpet is coming up, it may be seam that’s to blame. Lift the carpet just a bit to see what’s under there. If what you see looks like some sort of industrial tape, then yes, it’s coming apart at the seams.

What Went Wrong?

Often times a carpet seam splits apart because it was never sealed properly. This is especially true with woven or what’s incorrectly called a Berber carpet. When this is the case, one or two rows of carpet will begin to come loose right at the seam.

Split carpet seams can be a problem in both residential and commercial carpet alike. Carpet seam splitting can be caused by improper installation, such as seams that weren’t thoroughly secured and properly aligned. Carpet seams also come apart due to poor quality seam tape and adhesives.

The last reason carpet seams split apart is due to age and traffic. If your carpet has been in continuous use for thirty or forty years and the seams are splitting apart, then the carpet has lasted far longer that it was ever designed to last.

More commonaly the need to re-seam a loose carpet is part of the carpet re-stretching process.

When we stretch carpet to eliminate ripples, we end up with extra carpet at the edges. If the edge is the edge of the room, we trim off the extra around the periphery; if that edge is at a seam, we cut off the extra carpet at the seam, and then repair the seam.

Here are your basic carpet repair tools used in the trade:

Carpet seam tape
Seaming iron
Glue Gun with carpet glue sticks
Slotted blade knife
Straight edge
Carpet tractor and weights

Basics of Carpet Seam Repair

The simplest form of carpet seam repair is when most of the seam is fine but a portion of the seam tape has lost its grip on the carpet backing. This usually happens when the seam tape was over melted or under melted during the original installation. It can also happen due to carpet cleaning or carpet flooding. If this is the case you may only need to use your glue gun to apply a generous portion of glue to the seam tape that’s under the carpet and press the carpet backing into the glue.

Another method would be to use latex. Simply apply a generous portion of latex glue to the backing of the carpet and stick it to the top layer. Leave a weight on top of it for a few hours or so.

If we want to take apart a carpet seam before doing the carpet repair, we place a wet towel on top of the seam and use a regular household iron to steam the seam apart. This is also how we remove old seam tape.

Before fixing the carpet seam we always make sure that the edge of the carpet is clean and free of the glue that comes off of the seam tape.

Then it is time to fix the seam. This is done with carpet seam tape, a seaming iron, and a carpet seam roller. The tape is carefully adjusted underneath the seam. The iron is applied carefully on top of the seam tape. As we move the iron along the seam tape, we carefully bring the carpet edges together other and press the carpet down into the molten glue with our carpet tractor.

As we finish pushing the hot glue into the backing of the carpet, we place a flat heavy weight on the seam in order to hold it in place while it cools.

Steve Gordon brought a small town work ethic to a national audience with Creative Carpet Repair

“I got my first job working for a carpet installer at the age of 16. I was just a helper, and surrounded by some of the biggest, hard working men I had ever seen. These guys were so strong they could carry entire rolls of carpet on their backs. They could also install entire rooms of carpet in the blink of an eye, and they were so powerful the entire house would shake as they kicked in the carpet with their knees.”

“I didn’t have that kind of power or strength at that age, and wasn’t able to keep up with the men on the carpet crew. Instead of doing the heavy work, my boss assigned me to the smaller stuff. This included repairing the mistakes left over after the crew finished installing the carpet.”

“Soon, I became the go-to guy in my town for carpet repair. I could fix seams, burn marks, damage caused by animals, and just about anything else. I took great pride in my work, and I still do. In a lot of ways, I was like an artist with carpet. This is a good thing, because many carpet repair jobs require a creative edge.”

DIY carpet seam repair – can I do the job on my own?

If you’re on a tight budget, you may be considering a DIY seam repair attempt. We offer this information for people who may be so inclined. However, if you call one of our professional carpet seam repair guys, you can get a free estimate and potentially save money in the long run. Stretching carpet and restoring seams requires special industry-specific equipment, which could be cost prohibitive, and most people are surprised by how affordable a repair truly is.

Your Carpet Seam Repair Estimate is Free

Carpet typically comes in 12-foot widths on a long roll, so if you need more than 12 feet of carpet across a room or hallway, a seam becomes necessary. Carpet mills design their products to be seamed, and if it’s done properly it will last for the lifetime of the carpet. Seams usually fail because they were improperly sealed in the first place. Seams may also fail because of faulty seam tape, blunt force, animal attack, and age.

Sometimes ripples in the carpet require that that it be stretched. If the edge of the carpet is at the seam, it then becomes necessary to trim the excess carpet and repair the seam.

Carpet Seam Repair Basics

In cases where the seam tape is no longer maintaining its grip, the repair may only require applying glue to the seam tape under the carpet and then pressing down the carpet backing into the fresh glue. Latex may also be used, although it will be necessary to maintain pressure on the carpet with a heavy weight of some sort.

If a seam must be taken apart before doing the carpet repair, simply place a wet towel over the seam and use a hot steam iron to loosen its grip. The steam will allow you to remove the old seam tape. Next, you will want to make sure that all carpet edges are clean, and that all glue residue is completely removed from the seam tape.

Fixing the seam is done with carpet seam tape, a seaming iron, and a carpet steam roller. If the carpet requires stretching, other tools will be required. You can look in our carpet stretching section for more DIY information on this process.

Apply your iron to the seam tape and carefully press down the carpet as you use the iron the soften the glue on the tape. This action requires a steady hand (and some experience working with seam tape sure doesn’t hurt). Hot glue is them pushed into the backing of the carpet, and a heavy weight holds everything in place while it cools and hardens.

How we do business differently at Creative Carpet Repair

When Steve Gordon created the company, his focus was to maintain the highest standards of both workmanship and customer care. Accomplishing this twofold task means your money is well spent as you avoid the pitfalls so common in the service industry. Here is how our carpet repair process works, from start to finish.

Contact our main office during business hours and we will answer the phone. End of story. If you call during off-hours, leave a message and we will call you back – every time. We value your time.

Get an in-range estimate for your seam repair over the phone. Simply explain the problem in as much detail as you can. Our phone representative will provide you with an in-range estimate. Sometimes the job ends up at the high end of this estimate, other times it’s at the low end, but most of the time it falls somewhere in the middle. When our carpet repair guy comes to your home, he will inspect the job and give you a firm estimate that falls within this range. No bait and switch. No risk. No unwanted surprises.

A carpet repair expert is dispatched and assigned to handle your carpet repair. This fully licensed, bonded, and insured technician will promptly contact you to arrange a home visit. Our dispatcher will follow up with them after a day or two to make sure they followed through, making sure you never fall through the cracks. If you’re on a deadline, we can work with you to expedite this process.

Your carpet repair expert was hand-selected by Steve Gordon. They are also required to have at least a decade of experience in carpet repair, and maintain the required credentials. You can trust that the carpet guy we sent to your home is trustworthy, vetted, and professional.

Once our carpet seam repair guy provides you with an estimate, all you need to is approve the job. We ask one thing from you at this point – allow our carpet guy to do the job then and there. We provide you with a free estimate and all we ask in return is that you allow our repair guy to conserve his resources.

If you decide not to do the work, our repair guy will walk out the door. We will never pressure you to do the job, or bully you into making a decision you’ll later regret. You have all of the power.

Your carpet repair is forever backed up by our 100% Unconditional Labor Guarantee, which means you never have to worry about the quality of our workmanship.

Need a seam repair on your carpet? Give us a call

Steve Gordon recognized that hiring any service guy to come into your home is a risk. Creative Carpet Repair was developed to eliminate that risk, put the power in your hands, and help you get the most from your dollar investment. Our labor guarantee backs it all up. No other carpet repair company even tries to accomplish what we do every day. If you need seam repair, give us a call and get a free estimate.

You have my word of honor. We stand behind our work by giving you our
100% Unlimited, Unconditional, Lifetime Labor Guarantee. That means we back it up forever.
Steve Gordon, owner of Creative Carpet Repair
the largest carpet repair company in America.